Singjay Mavado is hosting a special back-to-school treat for the children of Kingston 8 this Saturday. The annual treat, now in its fifth year, will be held at Cassava Piece as usual, but is open to children and families from across the Kingston 8 area.Mavado was recently instrumental in forging peace between rival communities in the area and expects the treat to be even better. The treat will be a day-and-night affair, with bounceabouts, clowns, merry-go-rounds, face-painting and other activities for the kids in the daytime, including the giving away of school bags, books and supplies. Sound systems will also blast the community as the event also doubles as a memorial to Mavado's Father, Stanford Brooks, as this month will mark five years since his passing. Mavado added in the release: "Not a day goes by without me thinking of my father. And while I am a little sad he is not here to feel the joy, I am sure he is looking down and smiling to know his son has achieved great things and is giving back to the community. It's also a celebration of the peace we've been working for, so everybody is welcome."
Ohhh...Mr. Brooks I want 2 hold u, u can't help but luv him....Kartel take notes. Girls like a man with a gud heart,real girls...not the chicken heads u feed sausage in ure Gaza fowl coop. Mavado keep doing u thing yute u give me hope for Jamaican artistes n I wud luv to c more of them giving back to their communities n help rebuild the nation.
Mavado I love you.U r 1 in a million!Your #1 fan P.