FAE SAID::..For close to a year and a half I had not listened to Ragashanti’s programme. However, when the ownership of Newstalk 93 FM reverted in full to the university, I and others were assigned responsibilities. Mine was to do an audit of all programmes. I started that on August 9. Whether you are a listener or a media worker ANYONE would know the importance of time in media, especially when it comes to the news.On Thursday August 12, in the company of my immediate superior, I walked across to the station. We sat in the lobby and listened. Again, the news was late by minutes.I wrote a note to the producer,( Ruth Levy) advising her that she would be held responsible if the news is taken late. I handed the note to the producer, went across and touched Raga on his head in a show that my care for him as a person. Well, that was the beginning of the end. Ragashanti began to ‘trow wud’, about ‘hypocrite’, something he is so good at. That was Thursday, August 12. This continued through to Friday August 13 when I was now named. Ragashanti gave me a proper ‘tracing’ that day. It was done in instalments. I have now been traced on air by two male media practitioners.
( Why did u have to specify MALE...I detect a hint of sexism n masculine resentment, check ure lawyer on that ms feminist. U have a problem with the opposite sex, that needs to be addressed n as I hav stated b4,u need to get help in healing the emotional scars that u hav ignored over the years, from that traumatic experience)
Contd. FAE SAID:: Although I found his behaviour on August 12 and 13 ‘distasteful’ I was not deterred. But on Saturday August 14 a blog in support of Ragashanti with the most despicable, unkind and evil comments were made about me.Raga, I would have thought that you would have
come to my rescue the way I was there for you. The manly and humane thing for you to have done was to make an entry on that blog, identifying yourself and being unequivocal about your position on the nastiness posted about me. On your return to your programme, you should also have done that. Raga you went on air and told the world that I intended to take your programme off the air. I said no such thing to you. I spoke with your producer Ruth Levy and told her of
my concerns about a new feature that you had started on August 9. (Raga mek di call). If you
all didn’t think it through I saw that you could endanger your life, that of your team members as well as the lives of others. But guess what Raga? ‘One Love’.Here is some advice, approach some investors with the view to acquiring a radio licence. Call the station ‘Raga…FM’. You
will make a lot of money. And remember that although your focus is purely on entertainment and ‘trash’, as you put it, try to empower others to triumph the way you did.
Fae Raga is not an administrator of this blog so why do u think it was his responsibility to come to ure rescue here. I have not posted anything fictional about u, the first post was to
relay the message delivered on air, which was Ragashantlive sabotage. However new details came to my attention about the real paternity of ure son n I clearly said I wud not speak on it until u hot head, motor mouth pickney started sending threats. Don't blame any of this on Raga, blame ure brat, who obviously has a potty mouth contrary to his 'in denial' mother's belief. U were criticizing the basis of Ragashanti show n the behavior ure son portrayed on twitter n on my fb was appalling. He created ure tombstone,so direct ure blame there, everything u blame on Raga. U will Watch him live on from ure retirement chair as he gets larger than Newstalk. 1 thing I agree with is that Raga needs his own radio station n if he
decides to do so I will gladly be his first investor. Where was ure professionalism when u abruptly cut Raga off air when he was about to announce he was leaving Newstalk. Raga has his head on his body n he will not be deterred by any of ure back handed comments n sarcastic remarks. N u can threaten bout sue but any idiot knows u cant sue Raga for his freedom of speech, if the man think ure a hypocrite, take it up with the ethics committee cuz u cyaa sue
him for his opinion. Go frighten smaddy else wid ure ignorance of the law. I will never place
my radio on Newstalk 93 fm ever again, to show my respects to Kingsley 'Ragashanti' Stewart to protest this injustice on him. I know u n the rest of Newstalk , mainly Gordon Shirley will soon be singing ' Wake me up wen September ends'.