The Rastafari movement was founded in Jamaica. This Back to Africa movement believes that Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was God incarnate, the returned black messiah, come to take the lost Twelve Tribes of Israel back to live with him in Holy Mount Zion in a world of perfect peace, love and harmony. Bob Marley, a convert to the faith, spread the message of Rastafari to the world. There are now estimated to be more than a million Rastafarians throughout the world. Cannabis was most likely introduced to Jamaica by the Bantus and Bushmen of West Africa who referred to it as "Dagga" or "bengue" during the Atlantic slave trade. Originally At the start of a native "smoke-in" session, a certain amount of water was poured into the horn, one would then suck smoke from the horn that was drawn through the water and inhaled quickly a few times and then exhaled. The process continued until the fumes of the dagga produced a kind of intoxication or delirium and the devotee commenced to recite or sing, with great rapidity and vehemence, the praises of himself or his chief during the intervals of coughing or smoking. The practice of smoking marijuana for spiritual purpose was an easy adoptation for the Rastafarians because it was already entrenched in parts of the African culture from the time of slavery. The practice of smoking marijuana throughout Jamaica was popularized as a direct result of the Rastafarians' use of it for medatation purposes. The popularity of the Rastafarian movement out of Jamaica through music helped increase the use of marijuana worldwide as it was promoted as "the weed of wisdom", said to be found on Solomon's grave.