This is a Sigil from the church of Satan

Used in witchcraft and occult rituals to conjure up evil spirits. Satanists use it 2 points up and pagans use it one point up. Any way it is used it symbolizes evil.
THE BAPHONET HEAD.....Unique to Satanism. A demonic deity and symbolic of Satan. It is also now being used by the masons. It can be seen on their buildings and the emblems they put on their vehicles to identify each other.



Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga in Bad Romance Video

Ram Head on wall From Jay Z 's video " On 2 the next one"

“Do What Thou Wilt” is the motto of occultist Aleister Crowley reformer of the O.T.O. The O.T.O. is a hermetic order modeled after Freemasonry and German Illuminism and teaches its initiates the secrets of the Mysteries, gnosticism, sex magick, Kaballah and other occult sciences.
This Beyonce performance was inspired by a scene of the 1927 movie “Metropolis” where a female robot becomes alive.

However the Satanic robot had an inverted pentagram in the back... go figure

Be careful of the music u listen to n the videos u watch. The Devil is not dumb he knows how to fool u right b4 ure eyes. Read, explore and expand ure mind....
Excuse the rush I just feel like burning some fire this evening....
"We are slaves to whatever we don't understand."
ReplyDeleteand people seem to not want to know abt it! or the drive themselves to think that it is not true! it better you have knowledge of it than be dum to it.................i remember telling my da abt it and he would say am talking stupidness until he watch the documentary titled the Illuminati and found out that what i was sayin was true
ReplyDeleteSame so Tiff ppl look away n say I'm scared but it's real. U hav 2 know wats going on around u the Bible says he who has ears let him hear so...
ReplyDeleteKizzy all who a talk bout Uncle Sam this n mi dying fi come America they don't know the half. U spend the man money u become a part of the mans' works.
ReplyDeleteI will take Jamdung for $200 plz Alex...
ReplyDeleteKizzy ure mind nuh stop yasso ee man OMG. God bless U
ReplyDeleteHave a look at this... I live not far from here, and when I first saw it I knew it was a statue of Baphomet (or however one spells it). This is as blantant as it gets!
ReplyDeleteAnd it is not the only one... Look at this... (activate the Find control and search Buckhead) Read what others have said it represents...everyone is saying the same thing!
ReplyDeleteBritish bell this is in Atlanta dem braizen eee
ReplyDeleteLol that statue was commissioned by a group of business people to improve the area and will be moved to a Triangle Park(Pyramid).
ReplyDeleteBoy Kizzy It coincidental you should come up with this I was researching it the other day the whole Jay-Z and Beyonce Cult thing it's real sad how naive we are, Fratel on the other hand totally disgust me He's just a carbon copy of what he sees on TV I hope this has will enlighten people...
ReplyDeleteLexi DAJM
this is the reason for all the entertainers turning gay they are selling out to satan
ReplyDeleteLexi I ve been looking into this over a year now trust me it's very interesting